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New Albany, OH
Burbank, OH
I live south of Burbank, Oh with my wife Gwen and two boys about 9 and 7 years old. I work out of the house doing website design and marketing (, LLC) and also do some greenhouse engineering consulting. I'm still active in First Presbyterian Ch… more »
View profile »Christy Haley (Shoup)
Euless, TX
Hey all! I've been enjoying living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas for the past 12 years. I attended grad school at the University of Dallas and received my MBA in July 2001. I've been working at American Airlines Federal Credit Union for 11 year… more »
New Albany, OH
Sanford, NC
Lakewood, OH
At the time of the ten year reunion, the company I worked for sent me on a business trip for an extended project. Since this forced me to miss the class dinner, I am looking forward to attending this reunion. Currently, I live in Lakewood, OH with my wif… more »
Wake Forest, NC
It's incredible to see 20 years speed by so quickly! I may have to travel for work the weekend of the reunion but with any luck I hope to see everyone for what is sure to be loads of fun.

I have traveled for many years in the military before my retir… more »
Bloomfield, MI